Strategy Innovation Group, LLC

How We Are Different

With Strategy Innovation

"…understand the multidimensional world of innovation from a strategic viewpoint.  Awesome!"

Lead Futurist, NASA

Strategy Innovation is not an innovation strategy. It is more. Strategy Innovation is the innovation of your organization’s strategy to achieve new sustainable growth. Every organization requires it, sooner or later. Innovation strategies, blue ocean opportunities, disruptive opportunities and other opportunities – incremental to breakthrough - are all identified through our process for Strategy Innovation.

Our approach is pragmatic and rigorous, designed to challenge existing assumptions and generate deep alignment on the critical marketplace insights and future forces that will produce new growth opportunities. We foster a climate of extreme collaboration where our consultants serve as experienced guides using our Discovery Process. Our methodology is more cost-effective than traditional consulting because we act as guides and enlist the right team of internal champions to discover and create the new growth roadmap.

Our Discovery Process is repeatable and sustainable for future growth.


Our Values and Beliefs


Our Clients:

Elevate Engagement

Elevate Vitality

Elevate Loyalty

Elevate Talent


Innovation mandate matters.

Practice extreme collaboration.

People support what they help to create.

Plan backwards from a preferred future state.

Creativity is at the heart of all innovation.

Every organization has a Strategic Frontier to explore and exploit for new growth and vitality.

Deep alignment of key stakeholders on a preferred future creates future-pull. The future is realized faster.


Ways to Partner with the Strategy Innovation Group

With Strategy Innovation, you create future-pull and the future is realized faster.

Discover blue ocean opportunities on your Strategic Frontier.

Plan backwards from a preferred future state to accelerate growth.

Re-vitalize your culture by unleashing the creativity of the people in your organization.

Discover and monetize new growth on your Strategic Frontier.

Mandate enterprise innovation to engage everyone in sustained future growth.

Invent new models that create and deliver new value in new ways to your marketplace.

Reveal and navigate the invisible forces that limit your innovative growth.

Harness the entrepreneurial spirit and talent of your organization for enterprise growth.

Use Strategy Innovation to systematically elevate your foresight on future forces.

Co-create with customers to leverage that “people buy what they help to create”.